Readiness Signs for Potty Training

Below you will find the readiness signs for starting potty training! Please know that these are not absolutes. Rather, guidelines to help you start the process.

  1. Child can dress and undress without help

  2. Child shows interest in using the toilet

  3. Child notices when they have a wet/soiled diaper

  4. Child communicates need to pee/poop

  5. Child is willing to interrupt an activity/play to use the toilet

That last one can be the hardest for some kiddos and can be a behavioral cause of urinary/stool leaking (incontinence).

Potty training can also be more difficult to start during major life changes (birth of a sibling, moving, death of a family member). I like to bring this information to parents’ attention as starting potty training at an inopportune time can have undesired results:

  • Early stressful events are associated with later onset constipation in school age children 

  • Childhood hard stools are a risk factor for school age bowel problems

It is okay to alter your timeline to avoid coinciding with the above factors - just keep in mind the readiness signs! 

References: Hodges et al 2016; Joinson et al., 2019; Heron et al., 2018


For developmental questions, tips and guidance related to milestones about tummy time, rolling & sitting, crawling and walking, check out KC’s developmental Masterclasses linked here.


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KC is a pediatric doctor of physical therapy, wife and mom of three! She has spent her career working with children and young adults of all ability levels, and currently specializes in birth to three years.

Dana Neu, PT, DPT, LAT

My name is Dana Neu, I’m a physical therapist in Wisconsin that specializes in pelvic floor! In 2020, I started my training and treating pediatric pelvic floor conditions - which has been such a fun and rewarding population to work with!

Dana Neu, PT, DPT, LAT


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