How To Weigh Down Your Baby's Push Walker


"What are some alternatives to ankle weights for push walkers?"


ANSWER- After sharing about push walkers a few weeks back, I got a BUNCH of follow up questions about how to weight them down!

Here’s my biggest tip - if it’s something you can put things INTO (like the wagon type push walker), feel free to use things like books or really whatever you have to weight it down! Otherwise, soft medicine balls (around 3 lbs is usually perfect!) are a great option, because they don’t hurt if they get dropped on a toe! A 3lb bag of rice works great too, or ankle weight (if you have them!) to strap around them! Hope that helps! 


For developmental questions, tips and guidance related to milestones about tummy time, rolling & sitting, crawling and walking, check out KC’s developmental Masterclasses linked here.


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KC is a pediatric doctor of physical therapy, wife and mom of three! She has spent her career working with children and young adults of all ability levels, and currently specializes in birth to three years.


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