So much changes for your baby in the first three years of their life.

The amount of learning for them (and us) is truly incredible, but there’s bound to be a hiccup every once in awhile. This guide was designed to guide you through those motor hiccups, educate you on what you can expect, and provide you with some practical, fun ideas to engage with your little ones, while helping them learn through play.


Guidance and support for months 0 through 36

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This guide breaks down months 0-36 in regards to expected motor milestones. Included is a printable list of the major milestones from birth to 3 years, what to expect in individual or grouped months (because development is variable!), photos to help guide you with what the activities look like, and more!

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Now you know what to expect each month, but how do you get your little one to achieve those milestones? For each expected milestone, activities to encourage your little one to master it are included, with photos and descriptions to make your life that much easier. Each section also has at least two bonus activities that will help encourage other areas of development.

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Within each section, you're provided with even more information about common 'hiccups' that can occur in development- including how to identify them, when to speak to your pediatrician or seek a physical therapy evaluation, and even simple tips & tricks to help avoid them.

Meet KC

Hi all, I'm so glad you're here! My name is KC, I'm a pediatric physical therapist specializing in the evaluation and treatment of babies 0-3 years with a wide variety of diagnosis and abilities. More importantly, I am a wife, and a momma to three little ones!

I am the founder of Milestones & Motherhood & Journey Through Milestones Physical Therapy, and I created this space for parents and caregivers after realizing more and more how hard it was for new parents to find information on motor development, what to expect at each stage, and how to help encourage mastery of skills in one, cohesive place.

I know from personal experience that milestones and comparison can be such a huge source of stress and worry for new parents, and my hope with these resources is to educate & empower you, and provide you with the tools to understand what to expect with your child's development, help you worry less, and overall ENJOY your baby, instead of stressing.